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The purpose of this project was to build a structure to carry the maximum amount of weight. In this project, we used toothpicks and marshmallows joints to create a structural design to carry a load.

The most difficult aspect of working with marshmallows as joints was that the marshmallows were not able to hold multiple toothpicks and still be as effective. To have a solid structure, the more toothpicks meant more support. But for the joints to be durable, the less toothpicks the better the marshmallows can hold the structure together.

In order to compensate for the weak joints, we tried to use as less toothpicks attached to each of the marshmallow joints. And for each toothpick to be placed inside the marshamallow in a way that was more effective, we made sure that each toothpick was touching the most marshmallow it can for its stickiness and we made sure that different toothpicks inside the marshmallow weren't touching to get the maximum surface area for the marshmallow to stick to.

Even though our group tried our best, during the actual testing, our structure was not able to hold the goal weight. It only held the lighter weight. Our stronger was not strong enough to carry the weighted object.

If we got another chance at this project, we would definitely use more of the budget on marshmallows and less on the toothpicks. Our main problem was that there were places on the structure that would have made the structure stronger if there were marshmallow joints supporting it.

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