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The purpose of this project was to build the tallest structure to carry a tennis ball. In this project, we used a variety of materials to create a structure that is sturdy enough to hold up a tennis ball.

Our group had an idea to cut all of the straws in two separate pieces. The longer part of the straw below the angle adjustable bellow segment would be used to make up the four main pillars that gives the structure its height and balance. And the shorter part of the straw that is above the angle adjustable bellow segment would be used with pipeclearners sticked inside to keep the four pillars together and strengthen the structure. The pipecleaners would be longer than the short parts so that the ends can stick out and be able to strap around the main pillars to keep them together, and the short parts would be able to strenthen the connecting pipecleaners.

And indeed, our structure was a success. Our structure was tall enough and was able to hold the tennis ball for the given amount of time. It was still holding after the time had ended. Our group was very proud at how durable a structure only made out of straws and pipeclears could be if constructed well.

With working with different materials for the members, I learnt that ___.

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